What are OFF Market businesses?
In the world of business brokering, OFF Market businesses refer to businesses that are available for sale but are not publicly listed / represented by a brokerage. In these transactions, we will typically be representing the buyer as a client while providing customer service to the selling business.
How does this differ from our regular listings?
Since A R Business Brokers primarily operates as a sell-side firm, this means that in the majority of our transactions, we represent the selling business as a client, while providing customer service to the buyer.
How do I learn more about an OFF Market business?
To gain access to more information about an OFF Market business, you must first sign a Buyer Representation Agreement (BRA) where we can represent you as the buyer in our enquiry to the OFF Market business you are interested in.
To learn more about OFF Market deals and buyer representation agreements, contact us and a member of our team will get in touch to assist you.